Distributed timing analysis webinar

There are multiple places, we can introduce distributed computing to timing and major motivation is to speed up the timing closure. We have to analyze timing under different range of conditions, typically quantified as modes (test mode, functional mode) and corner (PVT). The number of combinations (timing views) you have to run is typically increasing exponentially with lower nodes. That’s where you need to need to distribute timing analysis across different machines.

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RISC-V waterfall diagram and hazards

The above waterfall diagram is representing a sequence of instructions that are fetched from memory and how they progress to the various stages of pipeline. In the above diagram you got program counter (P), fetch (F), decode (D), register read (R), execute (E) and register write (W). We fetch one instruction at a time. Potentially, you can fetch multiple instructions at a time, which would be a super-scalar architecture.

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Use this tool for PNR – Its FREE

If you learn this tool and use it to build your own applications, you might end up presenting a paper in our online conference happening soon called “VSDOpen” – The first ever online conference on opensource EDA.

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Machine Intelligence webinar overview

Webinar presents a hands-on approach with session on GPUs, solving design automation problems with modern machine intelligence techniques by including step-by-step development of commercial grade applications including resistance estimation, capacitance estimation, cell classification and others using dataset extracted from designs at 20nm.

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The beauty of slack-based timing ECO

A timing ECO should be power, performance and area aware and that was the crux of this webinar, where we discussed several strategies about how to do effective ECO as an expert .Slack based ECO is a beautiful strategy which helps you to achieve your timing target, while helping you to reduce on power and area

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