meet our technology partners


Glad to have a prestigious institution (University of Illinois) and a market leader in Library characterization/modelling (Paripath) as our technology partners. For more, read the below link till the end

We are being called as “Technology Training Leaders” rather than just “VLSI training institute” by universities and industries…

And, that’s not all….more announcements to come, about how we will be presenting our training model at an international conference.

And that’s also not all….we have lot of new courses to add which will justify our company name “VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN”. We will, finally, built processors and systems ONLINE.

You would be amazed to know, how the basic concepts(STA, PNR, Layout, SPICE), which I already cover in my existing courses (link below), will take you to the next level of synthesizing and PNR implementing your own processor, finally, your own design

And that’s also not all…you will be amazed to know how to build and sell your own design. That’s what will make you an ‘Enterprenuer

Think Big (I am doing it already) and Stay tuned for more news……Till then, happy learning