Opensource IP Bank – That is OUR internship program
Finally, it is out – VSD has its own internship program with loads of fun learning and career growth. The day, like 4 years back, when we had sketched below idea, now seems to be a reality.
Finally, it is out – VSD has its own internship program with loads of fun learning and career growth. The day, like 4 years back, when we had sketched below idea, now seems to be a reality.
The tech symposium started with Krste’s talk on “History of RISC-V Ecosystem around the world”. The talk started from very basic topic like “Why Instruction Set Architecture Matters?” and ended on a very important note on the need of a FREE ISA. He also provided ideas on how chip design factories can become company like Instagram, which exactly is everybody’s vision of abstracting details, and take advantage of existing online infrastructure
We would like to invite you to attend one of the SiFive & Open-Silicon Tech Symposiums taking place at six different locations throughout India in August. See map in below image for exact locations and date of events.
I would be presenting a very important tutorial, which closely connects open-source ISA implementation to open-source EDA tools – “How to design complex RISC-V SoC with open-source EDA tools and time to productize design ideas?”
RISC-V workshop was concluded by Rick O’ Connor and Prof. Kamakoti. Rick pointed out one important opportunity, with which we started a blog i.e. “How can you and I start a processor company?”
online VLSI courses using open-source tools, VSDSYNTH, our new product (currently in beta testing) is unique UI that will take in inputs in form of RTL netlist and read standard SDC format constraints. The UI will generate synthesized netlist and pre-layout timing reports, hereby giving you first hand information on the quality of your RTL design