Now that’s the beauty of open-source….
Hey There, Our team worked really hard to get Robot + MP3 player using India’s First Indegenious 32-bit RISC-V Microprocessor “Shakti E-Class”…This one is Shakti […]
Hey There, Our team worked really hard to get Robot + MP3 player using India’s First Indegenious 32-bit RISC-V Microprocessor “Shakti E-Class”…This one is Shakti […]
Hi “Pictures speak it all” Finally, we all did it – VSDOpen – first ever online VLSI conference. Very close to a real one – […]
Since then, we have promoted courses using a lot of open-source EDA tools like Opentimer for STA, qflow for Physical design, TL-verilog for pipelining, Yosys for Synthesis, Proton for EDA and many more. Not only that, we have organized an online conference (as you might be aware) and here’s the link with details: