Why is a Physical Design workshop important for education?

Hi Kunal

Traditional pieces of training have taken an orthogonal shift, post-release of open-source EDA tools and SKY130 foundry. This has brought a huge opportunity for semiconductor ed-tech companies like VSD to close a wide gap within many training companies that have shifted their curriculum from theoretical PDK to real PDK. If you are a student, who is reading this email, do not panic if you are not aware of PDK. This is something which we are covering in the workshop.

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What I did in 8-weeks-VSD Internship? On-chip PLL using Sky130

In this 8-week internship I spent the first week on researching existing work and making design decisions for the PLL components namely – Phase Frequency Detector, Charge Pump, Voltage Controlled Oscillator and Frequency Divider. I also looked into linking of the Sky130nm PDK with SPICE for the circuit implementation.

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