VSD HDP Interns made it happen !!

VSD is working towards creating innovative talent pool who are ready to develop design and products for the new tech world. VSD believes in “Learning by doing principle”, and always prepare the student to apply the knowledge learned in the workshops, webinars and courses. We always push our students to work on new designs, test it and work continuously till it becomes the best performing design. Any student who enrolls to VSD community starts working with small design and grows with us and develops a tapeout level design with complete honesty and dedication towards the Work !! Check out VSD Interns Achievement!

VSD-HDP Success Stories

Introduction to RISC-V TensorCore Accelerator for Machine Learning

Dr. Theodore Omtzigt


High speed VCO design/Tapeout using SKY130

Dr G S Javed

Darío San Martín Molina